Visit our club portal ‘Centre Circle’ ( and follow these three simple steps;

1 – Create yourself an account (look out for the verification email – don’t forget to check your junk/spam if you don’t receive it), then sign in.

2 – Sign in and click ‘Add New Player’.

3 – Fill in your child’s details and take their registration to 70%. We will pick up the registration from there.

Our Mini Magpies programme starts with children who are three years old and in full time school nursery – so those children who will turn four in that school year.

Unfortunately, we do have waiting lists for most of our age groups and programmes, albeit we do try and address these as soon as we possibly can. We are restricted for space without having our own venue, so cannot always accommodate more players. There are alternative clubs and sessions that we could signpost you to as an alternative to waiting.

Our Mini Magpies programme runs on a Saturday morning, between 9am and 12pm. Our teams training (U6 to U16 boys and girls) take place on various week nights. The boys/mixed teams play their games on a Saturday. The girls only teams play their games on a Sunday.

We have a registration fee to cover new match kit which will be yours to keep, your registration with the Football Association of Wales (FAW), and any other fees such as insurance. We then have a set monthly fee to cover all training/games/sessions. Our current pricing model will be shared at point of registration.

Yes, we offer sibling discount right across the club to help keep costs down for families with multiple children attending.

We offer two free taster sessions to see if your child enjoys, then we will send all joining instructions to you via WhatsApp.

Yes absolutely, we welcome all new members to come along and give it a go.


Can’t find what you’re looking for in our FAQ section? Feel free to submit your inquiry using the form below. Our team is here to assist you with any additional queries or concerns you might have.